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Welcoming words from the first Mayor

First Mayor
Dr. Mario Paul
Schlossplatz 3
Room 104/first floor
97816 Lohr a.Main

Mayor's front office
Evelyn Kolb
Tel.: 09352/ 848-211

Mayors' office hours for citizens
without appointment
Tues 9 am - 10 am
Wed 3 pm - 4 pm

Dear local citizens, dear guests,

Lohr a.Main is hard to beat as a place to work, live, and simply get on with your life, offering a unique blend of commerce and industry, history, culture, and that renowned Franconian affability. So why not come and discover our vibrant, lovable town for yourself?

Whether you choose to live in the heart of the old town, on the sunny slopes of the Spessart hills, or in one of the out­lying villages that have developed around about in the course of history – in Lohr a.Main you will find attractive living arrangements to suit all requirements and circumstances.

With a current population of approxi­mately 16 000, and around 14 000 jobs subject to social insurance contributions, Lohr a.Main also offers excellent em­ployment prospects. Our town is strong in future-oriented industries such as industrial automation or the health sector.

The town also offers conditions making it easy to balance work and family life. From early childhood education in the crèche to adult education, this traditional educational centre for the region offers a diverse and almost complete educa­tional landscape. All of our educational establishments offer high standards of pedagogy, and this is also true of our all-day childcare and holiday supervision programmes.

The diverse range of cultural and recre­ational activities on
offer in Lohr is app­reciated well beyond the boundaries of the town itself. The new Civic Hall opened in December 2016, providing a new, trans­regional events venue for business, culture and leisure.

The history of the town of Lohr a.Main goes back to the 13th century. Traces of our ancestors are to be found at every corner of the Old Town and in the original village centres of the outlying districts. You are also likely to meet one very special daugh­ter of Lohr as you stroll through the town centre: Snow White, of course, from the fairytale of the same name.

Town council employees will be happy to help you in any way they can. You can contact them directly by e-­mail or tele­phone. Alternatively, you are of course welcome to visit us during opening hours at the New Town Hall on the castle square in Lohr. We look forward to seeing you!

Your First Mayor

Dr. Mario Paul


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