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Business registration in
Lohr a.Main

Opening hours:
Mon to Fri: 8 am - 12.30 pm
Thurs: 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm

Philipp Halbritter
Room 012/ground floor
Tel.: 09352/848-126
Fax: 09352/848-8-126
phalbritter@ lohr.de


All firms in Lohr a.Main must be registered with the town administration before they begin operating.

The establishment of a branch office or a dependent subsidiary must also be registered, and businesses have to be re­-registered if they move premises or if the nature of their operational activities changes.

This is for example the case if the range of products on offer is expanded. If a business ceases to operate, it must be removed from the town council’s register.

The following documentation is required to
register a business:

  • A personal identification card or passport
  • A copy of the entry in the commercial register in the case of registered companies (“Handelsregister”)
  • The trade card proving entry in the relevant craftsmen’s register (“Handwerkskarte”) in the case of trade companies
  • Non­-EU­-citizens also require a resid­ence permit,
    including authorisation to exercise a profession.
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