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Event venues in Lohr a.Main

Opening hours of Cultural Office:

Mon to Thurs: 11 am - 1 pm
Fri: 10 am - 12 noon

Cultural Office of Lohr am Main
Marktplatz 1
97816 Lohr a.Main
kubiz@ lohr.de

Peter Häring
1st floor, old Town Hall
Tel.: 09352/848-485
Fax: 09352/848-8-485
phaering@ lohr.de

Hannelore Steigerwald
1st floor, old Town Hall
Tel.: 09352/848-481
Fax: 09352/848-8-481
hsteigerwald@ lohr.de

With its charming Old Town, excellent infrastructure and fair price­-performance ratio, Lohr a.Main is the ideal venue for your events. The Cultural Office lets different buildings for
cultural, business or private events. Whether you wish to
organise a concert, a fashion show, a wedding, a family celebration or a confer­ence -­ you’ll find a suitable venue here.

The castle square and Mainlände car park down at the river are available for open­ air events. Please note that the letting of the new Civic Hall is not run by the Cultural Office, but
organised by manager Mr Thomas Funck.

This former gym in Gärt­nerstrasse was recently redeveloped and offers space for up to 200 peo­ple.


The vaulted former market hall on the ground floor of the Old Town Hall can take up to 100 people.


With its generously sized, multifunctional hall, the Stadthalle is suitable for concerts, balls and trade fairs; and the three modern seminar and conference rooms are ideal for business events.

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