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Residents' Registration Office

Opening hours:
Mon to Fri: 8 am - 12.30 pm
Thurs: 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm

Lohr a.Main Town Council
Schlossplatz 3
97816 Lohr a.Main
Tel.: 09352/848-0
stadt@ lohr.de

Heike Nickel
Room 003/ground floor
Fax: 09352/848-8-115

Martina Strauss
Room 003/ground floor
Fax: 09352/848-8-116
mstrauss@ lohr.de  

Your first port of call in Lohr is the Res­idents’ Registration Office (“Einwoh­nermeldeamt”).

You must come here to register your new address. People also come here to get passports and other doc­uments. If you need documents at short notice, the staff team here can also issue temporary documents.

As well as the town centre, Lohr a.Main includes nine outlying villages that were incorporated between 1939 and 1978. These are Halsbach, Lindig, Pflochsbach, Rodenbach, Ruppertshütten, Sackenbach, Sendelbach, Steinbach and Wombach. All of these outlying districts are administered from the Town Hall in Lohr.

It is the “Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Lohr” (joint administration association) that is responsible for Erlach, Hausen, Neuendorf, Neustadt am Main, Rechtenbach, Steinfeld and Waldzell. The offices of the joint administration association are at Schlossplatz 2 in Lohr.

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