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Lohr-GemündenAdult Education Centre

Opening hours of
Adult Education Centre ("VHS"):

Mon to Thurs: 10 am - 1 pm
and 2 pm - 5 pm
Fri: 10 am - 1 pm

VHS Lohr branch office
Ludwigstrasse 16
97816 Lohr a.Main
Tel.: 09352/848-500
Fax: 09352-848-8-500
vhs@ lohr.de

The "VHS" Adult Education Centre of Lohr and Gemünden is a municipal educational establishment. The broad range of courses on offer covers areas including society, languages, health, professional training and culture. There are also one-­off events such as lectures, seminars and excursions on topics of general, local and regional relevance.

The role of the Adult Education Centre is to offer a basic range of general, profess­ional and socially integrating courses for the local population. The Adult Educ­ation Centre promotes lifelong learning and personal development, offering key topics and forms of learning to support this process.

It promotes orientation and competence, meeting and exchange; it improves people’s capacity to meet current and future challenges; and it imbues them with the joy of learning.



You will find the current programme on the VHS website

Dates & events

Digitaler Nachlass

Jochen Müller

Alte Turnhalle


Film "Der Prozess" von Orson Welles

Wolfgang Weismantel
Eintritt 5 Euro

Alte Turnhalle


Naturerlebnis Mallorca

Hartwig Brönner

Alte Turnhalle


Plötzlich verwirrt im Krankenhaus - warum trifft es viele alte Menschen?

Natalie Preiß

Klinikum Main-Spessart, Geriatrisches Zentrum


Exkursion: Rembrandts Amsterdam - goldene Zeiten?

Dr. Susanne Duckstein

Gebühr: 59 €

Mainlände Lohr


Exkursion: Wasservögel und Wintergäste

Hartwig Brönner

Eintritt: 10 €

Mainlände Lohr


Die Vielfalt der Lohrer Vereine in historischer Einordnung

Karl-Heinz Schroll

Alte Turnhalle

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