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Pensions Advice

Opening hours:
Mon to Fri: 8 am - 12.30 pm
Thurs: 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm

Lohr a.Main Town Council
Schlossplatz 3
97816 Lohr a.Main
Tel.: 09352/848-0
stadt@ lohr.de

Klaus-Peter Schwind
Room 011/ ground floor
Telephone: 09352/848-124
Fax: 09352/848-8-124
kpschwind@ lohr.de

Financial security in old age is an issue that starts being relevant when you are young.

If you take care of your pension fund ear­ly, you may be able to fill in any pension gaps or compensate for shortfalls. The Pensions Advice Office in the Town Hall in Lohr mediates between citizens and the statutory pension insurance system.

For different risk scenarios, there are diff­erent pension mod-els. A pension is paid because you have reached the statutory pension age, because of a reduced earning capacity, or in the event of the deaths of parents or spouses.

Only the “Deutsche Rentenversicherung” pension insurance organisation provides detailed advice on pensions. On the second Tuesday in every month, there is a “pen­sions surgery” with a specialist in the New Town Hall. You can arrange an appointment through the municipal Pensions Advice Office.


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