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Citizens' meetings

Lohr a.Main Town Council
Schlossplatz 3
97816 Lohr a.Main

Evelyn Kolb &
Barbara Djoharian

Tel.: 09352/848-211 or -212
E-mail: stadt@ lohr.de

Four times a year, the Mayor of Lohr a. Main invites all citizens to attend citiz­ens’ meetings in the different outlying districts of the town and in the old town centre. At these public events, everyone can have their say, and ask questions or make suggestions.

Public meetings generally begin with an inspection of the area. The subsequent meeting then starts with general information on the relevant district or old town centre.

Dates & events

Bürgerversammlung Sackenbach

Austausch mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in Sackenbach

Pfarrheim Sackenbach

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