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Taxation & Tax Office

Finanzamt Lohr a.Main (Tax Office)
Rexrothstrasse 14
97816 Lohr a. Main
Tel.: 09352/8500
poststelle@ fa­loh.bayern.de

Opening hours:
Mon to Wed 8 am - 1 pm
Thurs 8 am - 5 pm
Fri 8 am - 12 noon

There are 40 different taxes here. Most people are affected directly by income tax. If you live and work here, you have to submit an annual tax declaration. For this, you need a tax identification number, which you will get from the Residents’ Registration Office (“Einwohnermel­deamt”) or from the Federal Tax Office (“Bundeszentralamt für Steuern”).

The service centre at the Tax Office in Lohr is the first port of call for local residents on issues to do with taxation. You do not need to make an appointment in advance. Telephone
enquiries are not possible.

The following services are provided by the staff on site:

  • the issuing of forms and information materials
  • the provision of general information on taxation
  • the acceptance of tax returns
  • the processing of income tax rebate applications
  • the issuing of exemption certificates
  • the issuing of certificates for cross­border commuters for income tax deductions
  • the granting of deadline extensions for employees
  • the writing of memorandi/reports

The portal "Make it in Germany" is a multilingual, official website for qualified international professionals.

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