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Business location
Lohr a.Main

Lohr a.Main Town Council
Schlossplatz 3
97816 Lohr a.Main

Business development & law
Hans-Joachim Hüftlein
Room 111/1st floor
Tel.: 09352/848-221
Fax: 09352/848-450
hjhueftlein@ lohr.de

Lohr a.Main is the main economic focus of the region between Würzburg, Schweinfurt and Aschaffenburg. The town is strong in future-­oriented industries such as industrial automation or the healthcare sector, and home to both small and medium-­sized businesses, and global players. With around 14 000 regular jobs in the town and a population of just under 16 000, job prospects here are excellent.

In the healthcare sector there are several hospitals, including the regional psychi­atric hospital, the general hospital with its modern radiology department, the eye clinic, and the kidney centre, as well as the Caritas senior citizens’ centre and care home and many specialist doctors’ practices.

Particularly important sectors are the hydraulics, electronics, wood­processing and glass­making industries. You will find a detailed overview in the local business directory.


Number of inhabitants
16070 (Status 01.01.2017)

Tax rates:
Real estate tax: 500 %
Trade tax: 500 %

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