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Religion & the Church

(RC) parish community "12 Apostles
at the gate to the Spessart"
Kleine Kirchgasse 2
97816 Lohr a.Main
Tel.: 09352/8750-60
st-michael.lohr@ bistum-wuerzburg.de

(RC) Curacy of St. Wendelin Rüppertshütten
Represented by Parish Office of Neuendorf
Kirchplatz 8
97788 Neuendorf
Telephone: 09351/3455

Lutheran Deanery
and Parish Office (Protestant)
Dr. Gustav-Woehrnitz-Weg 6
97816 Lohr am Main
Telephone: 09352/8716-10
dekanat.lohr@ elkb.de

Ulu Camii Mosque
Partensteiner Strasse 16
97816 Lohr am Main
Tel.: 09352 9641
lohr.ulucamii@ gmail.com

The majority of the population of Lohr is Roman Catholic. Today, almost all of the parishes in the area of the town belong to an association of parishes called “12 Apostel am Tor zum Spessart”. The Church of the Resurrection in central Lohr is the first port of call for Protestants.

There are also places of prayer in the two hospitals:­ St. Elisabeth’s Chapel, in the grounds of the regional psychiatric hospital, and a chapel in the general hospital. The pilgrimage church of Mariabuchen is on the eastern side of Lohr am Main, within the boundaries of Sendelbach. It is one of the best­-known places of pilgrimage in the Spessart region.

The Ulu mosque in Partensteinerstrasse is open for all citizens of Islamic faith. Non-­Muslims are also welcome to take part in tours of the building and find out for themselves the significance of the minbar, mihrab, minaret and fountain.


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