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Legal Information/Impressum

Website operator of Lohr a.Main Online and responsibility for content:
Lohr am Main Town Council

Overall responsibility:
Lohr am Main Town Council
Schlossplatz 3
97816 Lohr a.Main
Tel.: 09352/848-0
Fax: 09352/848-452
E-mail: stadt@ lohr.de

Lohr am Main Town Council is a statutory corporation under public law. It is represented by the First Mayor, Dr. Mario Paul.

Main Administration
Dieter Daus
Tel.: 09352/848-214
E-mail: ddaus@lohr.de

VAT identification number:
VAT identification number of the Town Council of Lohr am Main in accordance with Article 27a of the [German] VAT law (§ 27a UStG): DE 132 115 341

Barbara Herrmann
Katharina Näpfel

Web design:
Shuttle Design Studio, Erthalstrasse 32a, 97074 Würzburg

netz-haut GmbH, Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 12, 97076 Würzburg

Lohr am Main Town Council is responsible for the content, texts and pictures on www.lohr.de, with the exception of content that is maintained by third parties on lohr.de. The reproduction and use of the content of this website is permissible only with the express consent of Lohr am Main Town Council. We accept no liability for the content of the website. 

Limitation of Liability
Pursuant to § 6 of the MDStV [German media law](in the version dated 01.07.2002), providers are responsible for their own content on these pages. The provider's own content on this website is to be distinguished from references to the content of other providers. 
Hyperlinks to the content of external websites are provided for informational purposes only. Although we closely monitor all content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. In all cases, the provider of information on the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. The content of external websites may be changed at any time without the knowledge of Lohr am Main Town Council. Should reference be made on the website of Lohr am Main Town Council to sites containing content which gives you cause for concern, please inform us.

Lohr am Main Town Council reserves the right to make changes to the website www.lohr.de without prior notice. In addition, we shall accept no liability for the validity, accuracy and completeness of the nformation provided on the website.

Conditions of Use:
The design and content (texts, pictures, photos) of this website are protected by the copyright laws of Germany and may not be taken over, duplicated or distributed without the express consent of Lohr am Main Town Council.

Picture Material:
Thomas Berberich Fotografie
Ernst Huber
Lohr am Main Town Council

There is no entitlement to publication or to the inclusion of links to external websites.

Objection by e-mail
Lohr am Main Town Council does not currently use a qualified electronic signature system. For this reason, it is not possible to file an objection by e-mail. You will find other regulations governing electronic communication with Lohr am Main Town Council here. 

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